Have you ever been to a business convention? The agenda is packed with one seminar, breakout session and keynote speech after another. Exhausting, isn't it.
But as you look back over the last convention you attended - where did you find the most value for your business? Where did you learn something you could go back and put in place to help your sales grow, more money flow to the bottom line or ways to improve your employee relations?
It probably was in a casual conversation in the hall or during Happy Hour or in the lobby with other business owners/managers just like yourself. Real people talking about real situations offering real solutions.
Guess what? You've found an online version.
We'll start the conversation but we need you to jump in and share your point of view, your challenges and your best practices.
We look forward to making connections around the globe. So pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea or your beverage of choice and let's begin Talking About Your Business.
Ned and Andrew
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